President Obama is going to appear on an episode of the television program Mythbusters. Is it just me or does he seem to do appearances on “ shows” a lot?
I know it is under the premise of promoting math and science, but when the President of the United States goes off and does something fun when there is real work to be done, that is being a slacker.
I believe this is indicative of his whole presidency, when there is fun stuff to be done he is the first in line, when there is work to be done his priority is on the Olympics, going to pick up the Nobel Prize, writing a childrens' book, a basketball game with sports figures, the View, the Tonight Show…the list goes on.
He seems to have a lot of free time for a President. I think he should be more focused on doing his actual job. This doesn’t promote math and science. If he really wanted to do that he should have told them “I think you should have 40 kids from the local high schools who got the highest math and science scores on the show.”
Is his latest television appearance really going to increase the math and science interest of young people? I think we all know that that claim is a...
Very true, and so annoying. But then, it was a popularity contest - he wanted to make sure we had "nacho Friday" and promised things you would promise if you were running for ASB president. Does this mean that our last UW pres. might be president someday? Then, it will be definitely time to move to the wilderness!