A headline today is “Homeland Security is banning toner and ink cartridges from U.S. bound passenger aircraft.” As a former juvenile delinquent I have to question what sort of idiot is in charge at the Department of Homeland Security. Seriously, they banned water bottles because of liquid explosives now they are banning toner cartridges because of solid/power explosives.
Shouldn’t they be working to solve the actual problem that is the root cause?
What are they going to do, ban the next medium that Al Qaeda decides to use? A common terror tactic is belt bombs, are they going to ban belts?
What about vest bombs? Although the sweater vest should be banned for multiple reasons, I don’t think this would be a rational conclusion.
Radical Islamic Cleric Anwar al-Awlaki said all Americans are the enemy, clerics don't need to issue any special fatwas or religious rulings allowing them to be killed.
I think a good solution should be courts that address cases like this. People who actively persuade individuals to kill others should be tried absentee; however, they can show up to defend themselves in a fair trial. Any person advocating the death of innocent people should also be eligible for the death penalty.
Our problem isn’t the toner cartridges, it isn’t devout nut-job followers, it isn’t even sweater vests; it is the radicals that encourage the terrorist killings. Islamic or otherwise, as long as we allow them to plan, execute and then plan more attacks, we are at risk.
It is as if we are trying to win a football game by having the entire team follow the ball around rather than stopping the play before it gets started. We need to get the quarterback.
We aren’t fighting a war against printers, we are fighting against homicidal maniacs. Maybe I should print off this letter and send it to Homeland Security…
No, they wouldn’t get it…
on so many levels.